Five Best Calendar Applications
Rainlendar (All Platforms)
Google Calendar (Web-based)
Ever since it launched in April of 2006, Google Calendar has quickly built a reputation as the premier web-based calendar. GCal owes much of its popularity to its anywhere accessibility and for bringing the look and feel of a desktop calendar into the web browser. It's fast, it's reliable, and it's continually improving. Even better: GCal can sync with virtually any desktop calendar.
Thunderbird with Lightning (All Platforms)
Combine Mozilla's email application Thunderbird with the Lightning calendar extension and the popular open-source email client instantly becomes a robust calendaring tool. Lightning is relatively young, so it doesn't yet support full integration with your email and contacts like Outlook (luckily those features are on the Lightning roadmap). However, for a free, cross-platform calendar app, you can't find much better than Thunderbird with Lightning. If you'd prefer a standalone calendar to email-plus-calendar, be sure to check out Sunbird, which is basically Lightning as an independent app.
Microsoft Outlook (Windows)
Microsoft Outlook is the de facto calendar and email application of most of the corporate world, which leads many to the "it's only popular because Microsoft forces it down everyone's throats" conclusion. However, with Exchange server support, email integration, Windows Mobile syncing, and great collaboration tools, Microsoft Outlook really earns its place as a killer desktop calendar. The biggest drawback: Outlook comes with a hefty price tag.
iCal (Mac OS X)
iCal comes standard with Mac OS X, and this simple but increasingly powerful calendar application proves to be all many Mac users ever need. iCal integrates smoothly with the rest of the your Mac apps, supports MobileMe syncing to the cloud (as long as MobileMe is working, that is), and the iPhone/iPod touch version of iCal puts your entire schedule conveniently in your pocket.
Now that you've seen the best, it's time to practice up for November by voting on your favorite.
A Note on Synchronization
Our Tuesday poll revealed that tons of you actually use more than one calendar application in order to sync your schedule between your desktop and the web. For most, that means syncing one desktop application—like Outlook, iCal, or Thunderbird/Sunbird—with Google Calendar. If you're using one of those desktop solutions and syncing sounds appealing, check out our guide to syncing any desktop calendar with Google Calendar.
Whether or not we mentioned it, let's hear more about the virtues of your favorite calendar app in the comments.
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