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Nimbuzz, Free Chat, VoIP and International Call

This time I will review a good application to try. Because this application can be run both on smartphones and many IM accounts that we can input.
Nimbuzz is a service Instant Messaging (pen: IM) or more commonly known as chat, which uses eXtensible Markup technology and Presence Protocol (XMPP / Jabber), what it is XMPP? Nimbuzz was first introduced to the public around the 2006's, although still relatively new Armed with these features stunning menghantarkannya able to achieve numerous awards as best mobile applications are still a lot of awards and other awards.
Multi Platform Applications
Nimbuzz apikasi not only supports a specific platform such as YM! which only exist for the PC version and the Web, Nimbuzz provides a version of Mobile phone (Symbian, Java MIDlet, iPhone, etc), PC and Web (WAP) simultaneously. So we still can connect to the Nimbuzz wherever we are.
Free VoIP and International Call
Unlike a chat service in general that only provide feature conversations via messaging, private chat, group chat and conferencing / chat room but Nimbuzz more than that. By immersing features Voice call (bc: Voice calls) technology utilizing Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP) users can easily make voice calls to other Nimbuzz users or to other VoIP users on the same account providers wherever they are even almost throughout the country, and Voice call services certainly can be done through the application Nimbuzz Mobile (bc: MEdia Net), PC and Web. Free call cost or free where the user will only cost Internet connection (pen: if my wife use public-inetnya connection so cheap ... not use to pay gitcu: grin:), so it will save expenditure pulse.
Like the feature "BUZZ" on Y! M is used to perform Buzz opponent chat you'll quickly chat to your response. However, its feature Buzz Nimbuzz more than that, if in Y! M Buzz can only be received by Users Online or Invisible in Nimbuzz Buzz serves to ngeBuzz your offline contacts. So when my friend is online and want you to know that your friends online and want to chat something just let them know by sending a "Buzz". When you send Buzz to contact your friend, your friend's mobile phone number which is registered in Nimbuzz will be notified by a short call (miss call) from Nimbuzz Buzz (31,313,131), which suggests that there were their friends who are online and want him to talk anything. Cool it!
Social Multi Media Transport, One Login for Everything
That is what? Anyway, in addition to air-messaging buddies with other Nimbuzz users can also tetapterhubung with the services your favorite messaging, such as Messenger, Google Talk, Facebook (FB) Messenger, Jabber, Skype, and even update Twitter status can be done. One Login for Everything, once you login to Nimbuzz account we will automatically connect to the rest of our messaging services. More easy, simple and not complicated.
Retrieve Location, Location Track Your Contacts
More fun and want to know where your friend chat or want to know where your friends are, you can track the location of your fellow friends Nimbuzz users through the service Retrieve Location. The location of your friends will be notified via a Map, unfortunately here Nimbuzz prefer using Yahoo! Map of on Google Map. Want to know the outcome how? Ko-Ko was accurate enough, already proven.
Contacts Backup, Save and Restore the Phone's Contacts
There's another cool feature, Phone contacts (phone book) backups. With this feature you can keep a list of the phonebook from the phone to the server Nimbuzz, never at any time if you lose your phone or mobile phone run out of re-flash does not need to worry anymore about the phonebook that you have because you can re-store again wear your Nimbuzz account earlier. Not easy, and free again. This could be an alternative backup phonebook. (Aja klo imagine we use phonebook backup service from mobile providers in this country should pay how much per month? Hehehe)

Jimmy the chatbot
This is a feature rarely found on the chat service, Messenger as good as anything not already have this feature. Jimmy the chatbot feature was named so for its Nimbuzzer often known as Helpbot. Why chatbot yak? less clear but also know the Jimmy was having an ability to responds every private chat devoted to him automatically, almost similar to the IRC bot that but it could be more specific in answering the question (tp must be in bahasa lho ...). Not bad, at least the Jimmy could make Nimbuzzer not lonely anymore at his CL (bc: contact list) can create a quiet and stress therapy because it could make the Jimmy Nimbuzzer laughing during a chat with him lhooo (pen: koq can? Could have , especially when given a question Dlm Java language, so the answer would be inconsequential n Jimmy make you laugh and dissapointed own son ... OMG). Maybe this is the application of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the world chat: roll:.
Revi's Father
Revi's Father just ordinary man... who loves sharing thought

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