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Best e-book reader for Avid reader ...

Recently, Amazon has launched the Kindle 2 is an electronic book reader device or e-book on Monday, yesterday priced $ 359 or less than USD 4 million.
Kindle version 2 has a price equal to the first version of this e-reader but is thinner and has enhanced features. This tool can save the 1500 book and not just 200 in the first version, and can read the text and turn it into sound through two small speakers behind him.

Kindle 2 looks enhanced - sleeker and much slimmer (even thinner than the iPhone). But the improvements go beneath the surface, too. With new features like better grayscale rendering, USB charging, longer battery life, faster page turns and a new text-to-speech option, the Kindle 2 really has become more convenient and more useful.

One of the first things you’ll notice when using the Kindle 2 is the new navigation interface. Instead of the little scroll wheel from the original Kindle, the Kindle 2 uses a new 5-way control (basically a small joystick that can go up, down, left, right and can be pressed to select something on screen). This is a fairly big improvement over the scroll wheel because it allows you more freedom and control when selecting options on the screen or highlighting text.

While the average user may never need to venture beyond the Kindle Store, the Kindle 2 can support formats from other sources. For instance, it can display the MOBI format, although it cannot be DRM-protected MOBI files, ruling out several prominent ebook stores. You can read DOC, HTML, PDF and TXT files on the Kindle as well, but you must first send the files to Amazon for conversion before they will work on the Kindle 2. They charge a dime for the service. It would be a huge improvement if future Kindles could perform the conversion themselves without needing to go through a third-party conversion process
Another advantage of the Amazon content system is the ability to automatically pull content more timely than books. The Kindle 2 allows you to subscribe to blogs, newspapers and magazines, and when new content becomes available the Kindle 2 automatically downloads it and has it ready for you. This is one of the most obvious reasons why the Kindle is leading the pack of ebook readers. In today’s age, there are so many other types of media that we read. In order, to be relevant a reader needs to be able to handle things like blogs and articles, handle them wirelessly and in a timely manner. Kindle 2 does all that

The Kindle 2 has seven times more memory and almost double the battery life of the original Kindle. You might be thinking “But that sounds great!” The fact is you probably didn’t need either of them that much unless you are an especially avid reader. The first Kindle could hold hundreds of books, more than you would need at any given time, so the ability to now hold 1,500 books isn’t a great improvement unless you absolutely insist on having every book you’ve ever read ready for recall at any moment.

 If you want to buy you can find it here :
Revi's Father
Revi's Father just ordinary man... who loves sharing thought

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