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Extinction symbian? Really?

SYMBIAN is a kind OPERATING SYSTEM (OS) is screwed into the selected phone models and mobile Symbian is a kind of computer. The meaning is not all telephones are mobile Symbian and Symbian is not installed just! only on Nokia mobile 

Playing With the establishment of a collaboration between Nokia with Microsoft, since the current Nokia and Microsoft have agreed to make Windows 7 Phone as the main operating system on your Nokia smartphone products. Then what will happen with the Symbian operating system and MeeGo? Most likely is something like this: Symbian will die slowly and MeeGo will wither before it develops.

Some opinions say Symbian is not going to die. This is probably the sentence that will be asked Phil Schwarzmann, Editor-in-Chief, Nokia Conversations Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Not because of Phil's men, so he defended exhausted Nokia Symbian.

He said there were at least 10 reasons why he still enjoy with Symbian to date and continue to be creative to create new applications. ''I envy the programmers today. I vowed never to write a single line of program code, when I make the application,''said Phil.

The popularity of Android, Symbian apparently cornered. Many people later criticized sharply against this operating system.
Moreover, supporters of Symbian, it later began to retreat one by one.

Yet supporters of the Symbian not stay silent face of attack. After releasing the latest version, Symbian 3, the center developed a new generation of Symbian which is likely to be named Symbian 4. Supporters of Symbian is equally aggressive campaign on the benefits of this operating system.

Phil seems to be strolling with applications that dream, without having to write code in application programs. Why?

First, Symbian describes as a flexible platform and supports all devices ranging from high-end, low-end, QWERTY keyboard, touch, features, and smartphones.

Second, there is support for the publication and marketing applications developed through Ovi Store. This virtual mall provides content in 30 languages, allowing developers to sell applications developed widely and quickly got a response. The consideration, Ovi Store downloads reach 3 million downloads per day or 2.6 applications per visit.

Third, growth is very promising Ovi. In one day there are about 250 thousand new accounts or 2.9 new accounts per second.

Fourth, Symbian continuously developed and updated.
About 250 new features introduced in Symbian 3. Several new features for the next release of Symbian 3 has been announced, such as separate-screen text input, Swype, QWERTY keyboard in vertical mode, and a web browser completely new. New features expected to be available early 2011.
Sixth, future considerations and compatiblity . This means that applications developed will be compatible with future devices in many years to come. And when MeeGo present, Qt applications that exist today will be easily adjusted.

Seventh, the big names Symbian and Nokia. Nokia plans to sell 50 million Symbian devices 3. This is the number of potential customers is very large. Well as recognition that the Symbian smartphone platform is the most widely used in the world.

Eighth, Language courses. Good-bye C + + is confusing. Hello Qt, Qt Quick, and HTML 5. Developing for Symbian aplkasi has never been easier now. With approximately 70 percent reduction in code, this means more time for developers to enhance applications, or create new ones.

Ninth, Competition Calling All Innovators provide U.S. $ 10 million gift to developers
. This will be an attraction and allure to stimulate the creativity of the developer Symbian.

Tenth, the payment mechanism involving the operator.
The transaction through the customer service is preferred rather than using a credit card.
Revi's Father
Revi's Father just ordinary man... who loves sharing thought

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