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Indonesia Blogger sued Facebook worth 2 billion

Jakarta - Indonesian Bloggers affected by the problem of copyright infringement with Facebook, which is one of the Ainu Nazieb approved claim, Facebook gave sanction 2 billion. Nazieb to clarify several points made ​​by the parties relating to use of Facebook blog, the theme is similar to Facebook. 

This is the template like Facebook that Nazieb convert 
The letter claims Uploaded on Facebook Nazieb three claims. One of them called for a penalty up to 2 billion to Nazieb . "Actually, there is currently no potential competitor directly to Facebook, but the power law (representation) on Facebook deals with the way of General Sudirman, Jakarta, asked me to forget, because it is proof of copyright infringement," he said, "All the claims I read a claim that is 3 points, two criminal and one civil, one containing the allegations as a penalty fine of up to 2 billion, "recalls okezone, Thursday (11/17/2011).  

"But now the theme of my blog has been a stop for download on my personal blog, but its circulation is not necessarily stop anyway, because it may be shared by others through their blogs," he continued.

Efforts are being made today is Nazeib premises consult legal counsel provided by the company where he works today. To call the Facebook will meet Indonesia on Monday, November 21 or Wednesday, November 23, 2011.

"Right now I still consult on this issue with legal counsel provided by the leadership of my company, then I will come to power law and representative calls up on a Monday or Wednesday next, to find out what exactly they demand," he concluded

Nazieb State never thought I would get a letter to Facebook to create a blog for fun such as Facebook, which he plays "Smells Like Facebook," he does not think the penalty should not even 2 billion. Currently Nazieb yet to hear a judge facing a problem at the moment. Lucky he has a good upper and helped lawyers to deal with the problem
Revi's Father
Revi's Father just ordinary man... who loves sharing thought

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