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What is Engagement Marketing ?

Engagement Marketing is a marketing tactic that's worth we know in these days. Today's internet era where it would be very easy to do an Engagement Marketing. Moreover, at present we are entering a second generation website that strongly support Engagement Marketing

What is Engagement Marketing? Simple it is marketing that involves the participation of customers. While the second generation of the website or which was known by Web 2.0 are Web sites that have the ability to interact with readers. So web 2.0 is perfect when used for this marketing tactic.

The definition of Engagement Marketing we are referring from Wikipedia, here is the definition of Engagement marketing:

Engagement marketing, sometimes called “experiential marketing,” “event marketing”, “live marketing” or “participation marketing,” is a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers and invites and encourages consumers to participate in the evolution of a brand. Rather than looking at consumers as passive receivers of messages, engagement marketers believe that consumers should be actively involved in the production and co-creation of marketing programs, developing a relationship with the brand. [Source: Wikipedia.]

So in Engagement Marketing, customers are no longer passive but can participate in the process of marketing, even starting from product manufacturing. Customers are not only recipients of our marketing messages, but can also took gives marketing message. Customers can help develop the product, strengthen brands, establish positioning, clarify differences, increase the value and service, and various other benefits. Examples Of Engagement Marketing. One interesting example is being performed by Jones Soda, where visitors may submit on his website that can be printed on the photo a soda bottle. If there is a nice photo, could be used as a mass photo soda bottle. This is the involvement or participation of the customer to create the packaging that is part of marketing.Another example is when the company was able to get input, even criticism of its customers so as to bring up new innovative ideas both in marketing and product development. An example is when a simple customer more in spreading our marketing message to others. Get through the event, clothing, gadgets, even through web 2.0.

Engagement Marketing in the era of Web 2.0 presence of web 2.0 is very easy to do an Engagement Marketing for your business. Because web 2.0 is designed so that there is interaction between the web Manager (company) with web visitors (the prospect or customer). Just about anything including web 2.0?The Blog. Good professional blog such as this blog (GlobalPro business) as well as free blogger blog as it could be a tool for Engagement Marketing. Of course, a paid blog will provide professional and You have complete control over the blog free. Through the blog, You can deliver content related to your products and services, then You can get input from your blog readers. This input is very valuable to your business. Do you have a professional blog for sudak your product or service? Social Networking (Social network). An example is facebook, twitter, and Linked In, is ideal for Engagement Marketing because of the ease of communication and the effect of their viral. It's been a lot of big companies are using social networking in Engagement Marketing. What about You?Email. In addition to web 2.0, email can also be used for Engagement Marketing. Email is one of the tools be used already

Three Keys To Successful Engagement Marketing.

There are 3 things you need to pay attention in the implementation of Engagement Marketing.

This means you must provide truthful information relating to your products and services. This is the basis of Engagement Marketing because customers come to your website, facebook page, and your email to get the truth. Engagement Marketing will not run if there is a lie among the customers with the company.

The frequency is also a prominent role. You should pay attention to as often as what You communicate with your customers. All too often will reduce your chances of getting input, rather too rarely is also not good because they might wait too long. From experience and monitoring you will know the proper frequency.

This is vital, because instead of monitoring, You can get a lot of input from Engagement Marketing. One of them is the right frequency and we also have to figure out.

OK, got here first discussion of Engagement Marketing, may be useful. If you have questions, ideas, suggestions, or anything else about Engagement Marketing please write in the comment form below.
Revi's Father
Revi's Father just ordinary man... who loves sharing thought

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