Car seats save lives
Car seats and baby buckets can decide about life and death of a child in a car accident. That
is why it is very important to buy a suitable car seat and right here,
all parents should be very well inform and advise can be, because it
comes to your child's safety. Since there are now many manufacturers, to the car seats, the price ranges are extensive. Because
seats for the car can cost up to 400.-euros approximately 100.-euro,
but now the question is, what car seat is the right for my child! Above all, always the weight and the size are crucial when making a purchase of a child car seat. You will find many valuable tips and information than parents in the ADAC car seats-test.
In addition must the child in the car seat feel, to spend some hours in, just then, if you drive the car on holiday. Therefore,
the seats in three different groups are divided and the first group is
the 0 and these are suitable for babies up to 10 kilos. The second group is the 1 and is suitable for children from 2 to 18 kilos. The third group of the number 3 is for children of 22 kg to 36 kg. In addition to the individual groups, the belt system plays an important role and also a head should never miss.
is also a great help for parents on the ECE-R 44 standard to ensure
that each child restraint system must be marked with this stamp of
approval. This quality mark is subject to very strict conditions and thus guarantees the safety of the child. Therefore
there is nothing important, such as the safety of the child and here
you should not save, but the safety of the child should be always the
top priority. Because on the issue of seats for
the car the savings fun stops and therefore you should as parents
always, who read ADAC car seat tests, if a car seat must be purchased
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