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The pilars of Working at home

Working at home is the form of paid work, which is operated as an independent or dependent employment mostly from home, but also of other, often arbitrary places. The homework borders out in this respect from other activities, as that it is generally carried out by work within your own four walls in your own time.

Independently or depending on

Working at home can be exercised both as self-employed or in dependent employment. Often are contracted depending on busy, so a contractually set employee benefits, however, can work from home. Independent home workers are their own boss and must organize so raising order up to the billing all by themselves.

Job or job

Working at home is possible in the job as well as in the main profession. Regardless of the form of home work orders of the employer or freely generated orders are completed then within fixed terms. Is a job in home work is exercised, so that concerns mostly the so-called home teleworker, who carry out professional tasks from home. Home work in the job is registered and can supplement the main job, or moving in a completely different professional environment.

Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries in different amounts are paid according to the type of home work. As home workers with a contract of employment, the homeworkers know generally quite good what they can earn for which work with what time. Here, the social security contributions and health insurance contributions by the employer be dissipated. Who has worked as home workers on a self-employed basis, has great influence on his income. Hard-working independent home workers with fixed customer base and good order situation can make also their living from home based businesses, have to pay but also the contribution to their health insurance and other social benefits even.

Home work Act

The homework with the Heimarbeit Act of 1951 on a legal framework is provided in Germany. In this way, receives an official part of the homework and delimits of undeclared work or the self-employment. Numerous amendments such as, for example, the tele-work Act supplement the law on tele-work and set the framework for the homework. Especially for employees who are active in working at home, the Heimarbeit act with the adjacent rules is the most important legal basis, provides the security in the context of the professional paid employment working at home.


Working at home is a modern and popular way of working for money. Working at home can be exercised independently or in dependent employment.
Revi's Father
Revi's Father just ordinary man... who loves sharing thought

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